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Summertime Hosting Tips

Partnership with Fareway

Hosting is a huge passion of mine. I love getting people together for any occasion and

summertime is the perfect time to enjoy the weather and spend time with friends. Here are

some summer hosting tips that I use when putting on a get-together.

Get outside!

Everyone loves a warm summer day. If you’re hosting a dinner, a girl’s night, or even a baby

shower, head outside so everyone can enjoy the weather. Whether you’re roasting

marshmallows by the fire or toasting to a beautiful day as the sun goes down, the great

outdoors are always a beautiful backdrop to your summertime memories.

Food, food, food!

Everyone can agree on one thing, food! I always love trying new summer salads or going for a classic chip and dip. Heading to my local Fareway grocery store has become the norm for farm fresh produce and their fresh meat market. I love knowing that I am serving my guest great food with even better ingredients. Plus, if I’m in a hurry I can grab some of their precut fruit, veggie trays, salsas or delicious dips.

Dietary Restrictions

Anyone who has an allergy knows how tiring it can be to have to ask for a full ingredient list

before tasting anything or just bringing your own food to a party. I always want to make sure I have a few options for my vegetarian, dairy free or gluten free friends. Fareway has a lot of

allergy free items which makes it my first stop for hosting!


Not always necessary, but so fun! I love decorating a table scape and making the event feel

that much more special. A little candles and flowers can go a long way to make the table or

event feel more put together. Plus, you get to have beautiful summer flowers fill your home

even after the event is over!

Summertime is one of my favorite times for hosting and I can’t wait to spend time with loved

ones outside. I hope you find a few tips and tricks that you find helpful for your next event big or small!





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